

Restoring natural capital by 创造更健康的环境和更人性化的使用价值

Two excavators at work on Windara礁 construction with pink sky at sunset behind them

Just south of Ardrossan on the Yorke Peninsula lies Windara礁 – the first shellfish restoration project-of-its-kind in South Australia.

与当地土著居民与海洋国家的联系相呼应, Windara – the Narunnga name for the eastern area of the region where it’s located – is designed to restore natural capital, 创造更健康的环境和更人性化的使用价值.

大自然保护协会(TNC), 澳大利亚政府, 南澳大利亚政府, 约克半岛议会, RecFish SA和阿德莱德大学, Windara礁 is Australia’s largest-ever reef reconstruction project – and 亚洲体育博彩平台 served as TNC’s lead engineer for the second stage of its construction, 将珊瑚礁扩大到20公顷.

  • 20 ha


  • 7 M+


  • 277000

    or more people take part in recreational fishing in southern Australia each year

  • 99 %


“温达拉珊瑚礁项目的环境效益是显而易见的, 但这个珊瑚礁对我们当地的经济也有很大的意义. It will enhance Yorke Peninsula’s reputation as a great place for recreational fishing, 从而促进旅游活动并创造更多的当地就业机会.”






担任TNC首席工程师, 亚洲体育博彩平台 developed the numerical modelling and the engineering design for the construction of the 20-hectare Stage 2 reef expansion. Shellfish reefs once occurred naturally in bays and estuaries along Australia’s southern coastline but have largely disappeared due to exploitation.

新的好处, restored shellfish reef include improved water quality (due to the filtration powers of oysters), 渔业生产力的提高, 更高的生物多样性和休闲钓鱼的新机会. 

Windara礁 will also bring economic and social benefits to the nearby Yorke Peninsula communities through the creation of new jobs and increased opportunities for marine industries. 2018年12月竣工, 二期施工铺设10层,000 tonnes of reef base that will be seeded with more than seven million juvenile Australian Flat Oysters. The young oysters will be pre-seeded onto recycled oyster shells by local oyster farmers and hatcheries.

最近, 环境商业杂志 授予温达拉礁a 2018年度项目优秀奖 环境修复类.
